96 558 33 00 / (+34) 637 788 915 orba@gpereto.com

Beniarbeig is a village located in the Marina Alta, between the Rectoria and the Marquessate of Denia. This town is divided into two by the Girona River. It is only 3 km from the coast, 10 km from the Sella Golf Resort & Spa and 8 km from the hospital.


It has 2000 inhabitants and offers the following services: town hall, state school (junior), medical centre, private hospital, pharmacy, local police, library, bars, restaurants, bakery, etc….


Its economy is based on the orange and olive trees.

Places of interest in Beniarbeig:

To know Beniarbeig better it is necessary to visit the buildings and places listed below:

Parochial Church of San Juan Bautista: it was built in the 17th century.
La Cova de Bolumini (a cave): it is located in the Segaria Mountain and has astonishing views.


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