96 558 33 00 / (+34) 637 788 915 orba@gpereto.com

Benidoleig is a village located in the Marina Alta, which has 1300 inhabitants. It is only 12 km from the coast, 10 km from the hospital and 7 km from the Sella Golf Resort & Spa.

It offers the following services: town hall, music school, supermarket, bakery, bars, restaurants, hairdressers, state school (junior), municipal pool, sports centers, etc….

As well as the majority of the other towns in the area, the agriculture (especially the orange trees) is its main source of income.

The population has increased during the last years because of all the immigration there is in this area who seek the lovely weather.

Places of interest:

To know Benidoleig better it is necessary to visit the buildings and places listed below:

Casa señorial del Barón de Finestrat

Parochial church of the Santissima Sang: it was built in the 19th century.

Cueva de las Calaveras (a cave): it is located between Benidoleig and Pedreguer. You can visit this cave from Monday to Sunday.



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