96 558 33 00 / (+34) 637 788 915 orba@gpereto.com

The procedure we follow when a client decides to contract the construction of a house is the following one:

Selection of styles and plots:

If you wish to build a house with us, we can offer a large selection of styles, and range of plots available from our catalogue, or we use your own design, the one that best suits your needs and styles. The legality of all the plots in our catalog have been tested by our legal department all of which are susceptible of buildings.

Plans, designs and construction quality:

Once you decide on the design model, we will prepare a plan to fit the design on the plot you have chosen. Also the materials quality will be chosen to be used during the execution of the work.

Estimate and private purchase contract:

Once we have the plans and contruction quality we will proceed to prepare an eact estimate of the project cost. Once the estimate has been accepted, we will proceed subsequetly to the drafting and signing of private purchase contract, which the outlines conditions and payments will be specified.


Upon signing the private purchase contract there is a payment of 15 % + VAT of the total price, at which the paperwork for obtaining the building license from the Town Hall starts.
During the execution of the work, there will be different payments to be negociated between the parties. All payments will be made with previous certification of the technical architect of the work.

Check and control:

During the execution of the work, you can check and control that the house is being built based on the technical specifications and quality construction agreed.

Signing the Deeds:

Once the construction of the house is finished and the principal architect of the work has been proceeded to make the final certificate of works, it is stipulated a day for the signing of the Deeds for the client.

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