96 558 33 00 / (+34) 637 788 915 orba@gpereto.com

Pedreguer is a village located in the Marina Alta. This town has 7700 inhabitants and it is only 12 km from the coast, 4 km from the Sella Golf Resort & Spa and 8 km from the hospital.


Its economy is based on different areas, for example: furniture or shopping carts factories and tourism.

Places of interest in Pedreguer:

To know Pedreguer better it is necessary to visit the buildings and places listed below:

The Porxes (square): was built in the 19th century, so the local market could be done their.
The Chapel of Sant Blai: although it was built in the 18th century, it was reconstructed due to a fire. During the Sant Blai fiestas, a market is celebrated there.
Les Escoles Velles (the old school): this building was constructed during the 19th century. During many years it was the town’s school. Nowadays it’s the cultural centre and the music school.
The Santa Creu Church: it was built in the 16th century.
From this town you can practise hiking and visit the following places: El Castellet de l’Ocaive, La Via Augusta or El Castell d’Aixa.


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