96 558 33 00 / (+34) 637 788 915 orba@gpereto.com

Vergel is a town located in the Marina Alta. It has 4800 inhabitants, almost three times the figure from the last century.

It is only 9 km from the Sella Golf Resort & Spa, 5 km from the hospital and 1 km from the coast and offers the following services: town hall, municipal pool, library, culture centre, bars, restaurants, bakery, pharmacy, local police, crèche, state school (junior), social centre, etc….

Vergel’s economy is very varied, for example: agriculture, construction and tourism (the last one is the most important).

Places of interest:

To know Vergel better it is necessary to visit the buildings and places listed below:

Parochial church of la Virgen del Rosario: it was built during the 18th century and the bell tower was restored 20 years ago.

Tower of the Palace of the Duque de Medinaceli: it is located in front of the church. You can visit the tower all morning from Monday to Friday.

Blanc de Morell or Cremadella Tower: it was built between the 13th and 14th century. Therefore it is the oldest building of the town.

Old train station: it was built during the 19th century. This station was closed in the 1970s; but it was where the train that linked the province of Valencia with the province of Alicante had to stop. Nowadays it is the local police office.


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